Stationeers game change log
Stationeers game change log

stationeers game change log

Ariete - Add-on armour War Kit has been changed to volumetric armour.Т-55АМ-1, Т-62М-1 - The filler for the turret’s combined armour has been changed to volumetric armour.Leopard 2PL - The filler for the hull’s combined armour and turret has been changed to volumetric armour.XM-1 (GM), XM-1 (Chrysler) - The filler for the hull’s combined armour has been changed to volumetric armour.Vickers Mk.7 - The filler for the hull’s combined armour has been changed to volumetric armour.Сhieftain Mk.3, Сhieftain Mk.5, Chieftain Mk.10 - Turret armour has been changed to volumetric armour.Сenturion mk.3, Strv 81 (RB 52) (UK), Sho`t Kal Dalet, Caernarvon, Strv 81, Strv 81 (RB 52), Сenturion mk.5/1 - Armour on the gun mantlet has been reworked and has been changed to volumetric armour.Tiger II (P), Tiger II (H), Tiger II (H) Sla.16, Tiger II (H) (10.5cm KwK) ) - The armour on the ball machine gun mount has been reworked and has been changed to volumetric armour.Tiger II (P) - Armour on the gun mantlet has been reworked and has been changed to volumetric armour.Jagdtiger - Armour on the gun mantlet has been reworked and has been changed to volumetric armour.The parts have been transferred to volumetric armour and a separate section of optics has been added and the height of the viewing slot has been reduced. Tiger E, Tiger H1, Brummbar, VK4501, Heavy Tank №6, Tiger Animal - Armour of the driver’s observation devices has been redesigned.Velocity has been increased from 700 to 715 m/s with corresponding changes to the armour penetration. Weight has been reduced from 6,5 to 6,4 kg. ARL-44 (ACL-1) - OR Mle.44 AP shell characteristics have been specified.ARL-44 - gun depression angle has been reduced from -10 to -5 degrees.MARS 15 - a bug with missing autocorrection with the laser rangefinder data has been fixed.Source: Kentron Gun Systems, ZA-35 brochure / Armed Forces November 1991 Rooikat ZA-35 - weight has been increased from 26,5 to 32 tons horizontal aiming speed has been reduced from 90 to 45 degrees per second.Now a player is able to choose from two ammo belts ready to fire. Ratel 20 - 20mm gun feed has been specified.Olifant Mk.2, TTD - ESS module has been added.Begleitpanzer 57 - weight has been increased from 28,5 to 30 tons engine power has been increased from 600 to 720 hp.M42 Contraereo - The power supply scheme of automatic cannons has been changed from magazines with 12 rounds to belts with 160 rounds.M48 Super - The commander’s thermal imager has been removed due to its physical absence on the specified unit.Source: 43rd Annual Armament Systems: Gun and Missile Systems Symposium 21 – 24 April 2008, Development of LW25 Family of Ammunition HE-DP shell has been added to the ammunition load. The muzzle velocity has been changed from 800 to 400 m/sec. M60 AMBT - The parameters and ammunition load of the 25 mm LW25 cannon have been clarified.The 30mm gun is now considered the main gun, and the 100mm as auxiliary. BMP-3 - Main and auxiliary armament layout has been modelled similar to the BMD-4.

stationeers game change log

  • T-62M-1 - ammo capacity has been increased from 40 to 42 rounds.
  • Ground Vehicle model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:
  • Mission’s size has been increased to 128x128 km.
  • Mission’s size has been increased from 7x7 to 8x8 squares.
  • Mission’s size has been increased from 7x7 to 8x8 squares.
  • Switching the mission to the new logic.
  • Changes to positions of roads to avoid intersection with airfields.
  • Number of available base positions has been doubled.
  • Number of simultaneously active bases for bombing has been increased to five.
  • Changes to positions of roads to avoid intersection with airfields.
  • Changes to location to better accommodate the airfields.
  • The amount of HP for bombing bases has been reduced for all mode missions.
  • Mission design changes for better balance. Addition of ground vehicle presets: now on different ranks there will be different vehicles in the columns.
  • Moving of the alternative history missions “Afghanistan”, “Berlin”, “Guam” and “Spain” to the ranked airfield system and updating of the mission logic to the new format.
  • A complete reworked version of Operation Krymsk, alternative history, including updated logic and moving the mission to the ranked airfield system.
  • A complete reworked version of Operation Dover, including updated logic and moving the mission to the ranked airfield system.
  • stationeers game change log

    New location for ground battles Breslau.New location for ground battles Spaceport.New alternate history mission of Operation Honolulu.

    Stationeers game change log